No More Hassle in Managing Your Work Document Process!
Momofin GO help companies to start their digital transformation journey without any hassle. Our product is a system agnostic solution that gets you going right away
Digital Product are provided by
Send documents for signature to multiple parties instantly
eSignature is legally valid
Easier document signing in one click with online signatures that are legally recognized in Indonesia and internationally.
Requesting a signature is faster and more practical
Upload and send documents for easier and faster signing with momofinGO.
Sequential signing
MomofinGo provides sorting and reminder features so you will always be notified.
Use eMeterai on your digital documents
Official legal evidence
Stamp duty is legal evidence in electronic format that is legal and approved by the Ministry of Finance DGT.
Easy one click
Easily and quickly add stamps to the documents you want.
Save money, time and paperless
Sign your documents anytime, anywhere.
Official eStamp for your company
Official and secure eStamp
Create your company eStamp online equipped with QR code authentication and your company logo.
More secure with PDF Certificate
All documents affixed with the company's eStamp will be verified with the certificate contained in the PDF document.
Easily monitor eStempel usage
Each use of the Stamp on a document will be accompanied by an audit trail of time and date.
Practical e-contract management
Automated storage system
Your signature and documents are automatically saved in a special folder.
Reminder feature for contracts
Set reminders for contract signing that will be sent to all parties automatically.
Download documents with official certification
Signed documents can be downloaded with certifications and timestamps for authenticity verification.